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    Israel–European Union relations - Wikipedia

    Israel is an associated state of the European Union. The relations between the two are framed in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and the Union for the Mediterranean. The main legal ties between Israel and the EU are set by the 1995 Association Agreement. Several … Se mere

    Israel and the European Economic Community established diplomatic relations as early as 1959. A first free trade area agreement was signed in 1975. In the Se mere

    Lawsuit to disclose EU funding of Israeli NGOs
    NGO monitor filed a lawsuit at the beginning of 2010 claiming they had identified over US … Se mere

    • Ahlswede, Stefan (2009). Israel's European Policy after the Cold War. Düsseldorf Series on International Law and Policy. Baden-Baden: Nomos. ISBN 978-3-8329-4817-7.
    • Del Sarto, Raffaella A., ed. (2015). Fragmented Borders, … Se mere

    Fields of cooperation Billede
    Oversigt Billede

    Trade between the EU and Israel is conducted on the basis of the Association Agreement. The European Union is Israel’s biggest … Se mere

    The Israeli government has hinted several times that an EU membership bid is a possibility, but the EU itself proposes instead the closest … Se mere

    Wikipedia-tekst under CC-BY-SA-licens
  2. The European Union and Israel | EEAS

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  7. Delegation of the European Union to the State of Israel …

    WEBBack to Brussels, I would like to share two main takeaways: on the one hand, a sense of absolute urgency, particularly due to the dramatic situation in Gaza, and the other, a sense of tenuous hope about a shared desire …

  8. Israel - European Commission - European Neighbourhood Policy …

  9. European Union's position for the 12th meeting of the EU-Israel ...

  10. Hvad har I tænkt jer, Israel? EU kræver svar efter omstridt udtalelse ...

  11. Krig mellem Israel og Hamas splitter EU: 'Det er uklart, hvad de …