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  1. WebLearn how to use JavaScript to access and manipulate HTML elements, attributes, styles, and events with the HTML DOM. The HTML DOM is a standard interface for all HTML documents and a tree of objects.

  2. Kodeeksempel

    var paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName("P");
    // paragraphs[0] is the first <p> element
    // paragraphs[1] is the second <p> element, etc.
    Documentation under CC-BY-SA 2.5 license · Code under CC0 license
  3. DOM (Document Object Model) - MDN Web Docs

  4. WebLearn what the HTML DOM is and how to use it with JavaScript. The HTML DOM defines HTML elements as objects, properties, methods and events, and provides a tree of objects for the web page.

  5. How the Document Object Model Works in JavaScript …

    Webden 19. jan. 2023 · Learn how to use the Document Object Model (DOM) to interact with and manipulate web pages in JavaScript. This tutorial covers the DOM structure, methods, and examples of accessing, adding, …

  6. Introduction to the DOM - Web APIs | MDN

  7. Webden 14. maj 2024 · What is DOM? DOM, or Document Object Model, is a programming interface that represents structured documents like HTML and XML as a tree of objects. It defines how to access, manipulate, and …