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  1. Roman Empire | Definition, History, Time Period, Map, & Facts

  2. Religion in ancient Rome - Wikipedia

    Webden 4. maj 2024 · As the Roman Empire expanded, migrants to the capital brought their local cults, many of which became popular among Italians. Christianity was eventually the most successful of these beliefs, and in …

  3. Ancient Rome | History, Government, Religion, Maps, & Facts

  4. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | Rise & Fall, Causes ...

  5. Roman Em·pire
    1. the empire established by Augustus in 27 bc and divided by Theodosius in ad 395 into the Western or Latin and Eastern or Greek Empire.
    Mere om Roman Empire
  6. Who was Charlemagne? The unlikely king who became an emperor

  7. Ancient Roman architecture - Wikipedia

    Webden 3. maj 2024 · Imperial amphitheatres were built throughout the Roman Empire; the largest could accommodate 40,000–60,000 spectators, and the most elaborate featured multi-storeyed, arcaded façades and were …

  8. Roman Republic | Definition, Dates, History, …

    Webden 19. apr. 2024 · Roman Republic, (50927 bce ), the ancient state centred on the city of Rome that began in 509 bce, when the Romans replaced their monarchy with elected magistrates, and lasted until 27 …

  9. Julius Caesar: Biography, Roman General, Roman Dictator

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