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  1. Semipresidentsystem er en styreform som kombinerer trekk fra parlamentarisme og presidentstyre med en statsminister og en president som begge har betydelig utøvende makt. Systemet skiller seg fra parlamentariske systemer ved at det har en president som er direkte valgt av folket og som har mer enn en ren seremoniell rolle.
    A semi-pres­i­den­tial system, or dual ex­ec­u­tive system, is a sys­tem of gov­ern­ment in which a pres­i­dent ex­ists along­side a prime min­is­ter and a cab­i­net, with the lat­ter two re­spond­ing to the leg­is­la­ture of the state.
    The semi-presidential system is a system of government where both the prime minister and the president run the day-to-day affairs of the state, but often the president has more powers than the prime minister.
  2. Semi-presidential system - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …

  3. Semi-Presidential Systems - Political Science - Oxford Bibliographies

  4. 10.5 Semi-Presidential Regimes - Introduction to Political Science ...

  5. WEBden 13. jun. 2017 · Semi-presidentialism has become a preferred choice among constitution makers worldwide. The semi-presidential category contains anything but a coherent set of regimes, however. We need to …

  6. Semi-Presidential Systems - Oxford Constitutional Law: …

    WEB1 An increasingly common form of government, semi-presidentialism, also known as a ‘mixed’ or ‘hybrid’ form of government with a dual executive, is a distinct political system that combines the features of the two pure …

  7. 10.6: Semi-Presidential Regimes - Social Sci LibreTexts

  8. 10.1 Democracies: Parliamentary, Presidential, and Semi

  9. Nogle resultater er blevet fjernet