ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೈನಂದಿನ AI ಸಹಯೋಗಿ
21-30 ನ 829.000 ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು
  1. Afghanistan: Human rights ‘in a state of collapse’, warns Türk

  2. Afghanistan: IOM Response 2021-2024 | International …

  3. Drastic erosion of women’s rights in Afghanistan continues

  4. Afghanistan - World Health Organization (WHO)

  5. Afghanistan hit by second earthquake in days - BBC

  6. Afghanistan opium cultivation in 2023 declined 95 per cent …

  7. Wie Deutschland afghanische Ortskräfte im Stich lässt

  8. NATO's engagement in Afghanistan, 2003-2021: a planner’s …

  9. Afghanistan: Archaeological sites 'bulldozed for looting' - BBC

  10. ‘The Return of the Taliban’ Makes Sense of Afghanistan’s Misery