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  1. Benito Mussolini – Wikipedia

    WEB4 dage siden · Benito Mussolini (1940), Farbfoto von Henri Roger-Viollet Unterschrift von Benito Mussolini. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini anhören ⓘ /? (* 29.Juli 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Provinz Forlì; † 28. …

  2. Fascist Italy - Wikipedia

  3. Second Italo-Ethiopian War - Wikipedia

  4. Italian invasion of France - Wikipedia

    WEB5 dage siden · The goal of the Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, was the elimination of Anglo-French domination in the Mediterranean, the reclamation of historically Italian territory ( Italia irredenta) and the …

  5. Interwar period - Wikipedia

    WEB4 dage siden · In Italy, the National Fascist Party came to power under Benito Mussolini after threatening a March on Rome in 1922. Most independent countries enacted women's suffrage in the interwar era, …

  6. East African campaign (World War II) - Wikipedia

  7. Fascism and ideology - Wikipedia

    WEB2 dage siden · A Fascist propaganda poster featuring Benito Mussolini, the Duce of Italy. The history of fascist ideology is long and it draws on many sources. Fascists took inspiration from sources as ancient as the …

  8. Anti-fascism - Wikipedia

  9. The Rise of Benito Mussolini: a Path to Power in Fascist Italy

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