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  1. Wörterbuch
    late 16th century: from French athéisme, from Greek atheos, from a- ‘without’ + theos ‘god’.
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  2. Atheism - Wikipedia

  3. Atheism | Definition, History, Beliefs, Types, Examples, & Facts

  4. Hvad hedder det når man ikke er troende?

  5. Ateist Betydning: En Grundig Forklaring – Designovations …

  6. Ähnliche Fragen
    Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.
    Atheism is the rejection of an assertion that a deity exists. In a narrower sense, hard atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities, effectively taking the stance of a positive claim in regards to the existence of any goddess or god.
    In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists . Historically, evidence of atheistic viewpoints can be traced back to classical antiquity and early Indian philosophy.
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Atheism". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The New Atheists. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Atheism at Curlie. Includes links to organizations and websites. Secular Web library. Library of both historical and modern writings, a comprehensive online resource for freely available material on atheism.
    Generally atheism is a denial of God or of the gods, and if religion is defined in terms of belief in spiritual beings, then atheism is the rejection of all religious belief.
    Some atheists have challenged the need for the term "atheism". In his book Letter to a Christian Nation, Sam Harris wrote: In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non- astrologer " or a "non- alchemist ".
  7. History of atheism - Wikipedia

  8. Satanisten er en fornuftig egoist | - Århus Stiftstidende

  9. Demographics of atheism - Wikipedia

  10. Origen del ateísmo - Protestante Digital

  11. ‎Linse & Vlado - På kant med loven on Apple Podcasts

  12. Linse & Vlado - På kanten | Eksklusivt på Podimo

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